Packaging Hygiene Training
If you're looking for
simple and cost-effective hygiene training for packaging
employees look no further. Our training materials
are suitable for induction, basic and refresher training
and convey the essentials of food packaging hygiene
in a colourful and interesting manner.
Read what our satisfied customers
are saying |
Packaging Hygiene Training Kit
Great value at
only £449
Who is SaferPak.com?
The Award Winning SaferPak.com web site is owned and maintained
by SaferPak Ltd, a Food Packaging
Safety Training Provider operating just outside of Manchester
in the United Kingdom.
If you are interested in Food Packaging Safety read more
about what we do below. If you’re not interested in
food packaging safety please don’t 'google-off' just
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What do SaferPak do?
Training Products
Our business is focused on developing hygiene training
materials specifically for the food packaging industry.
Our unique training materials are used by many of
the major names associated with food packaging, from
Salford all the way to Singapore.
Read what customers are saying about our
training products!
Lond - Quality & Hygiene Group Leader,
Britton Merlin
"The Packaging Hygiene booklets and posters I
have recently purchased from you have proved to be
exactly what I have been looking for as part of our
ISO9001 and BRC/IOP systems. Hygiene training is a
key part of our induction training for new staff and
operators, along with the programme of refresher training
across the site for all existing people. Previous
training has been based on food hygiene practices
which, while thorough and mostly appropriate, were
not specific to our industry. Searches on the internet
proved unsuccessful for packaging specific hygiene
training aids, until finding the SaferPak website.
As such, the posters and booklets which target issues
and practices specific to the packaging industry have
now been integrated into our training programmes,
both on the individual level, and as a promotional
tool across the site. Please keep me posted on any
further developments."
Anon. Happy Customer
"Our site manufactures packaging which is so
common that virtually all of the households across
the UK will have some of it present within their kitchen.
Obviously it is imperative that we supply this packaging
with no hidden surprises and awareness training is
something close to my heart, unfortunately ever increasing
restrictions on available time for me to personally
perform this training means that this area has slowly
been neglected. To find a training tool like the 'The
Fundamentals of Food Packaging Hygiene' was a wish
come true! After reading through a free sample of
the 'Food Packaging Hygiene - Raising the Standard'
booklet, I immediately placed an order so that each
employee would receive a copy. I was pleased to have
found something that covered virtually all aspects
of our Company's Hygiene Management System in one
fell swoop. When I discovered that a CD was available
by the same Company I ordered my copy that very same
week as I knew that the quality would be good. On
receipt of the disc I set about taking each supervisor
through it and we are now running a training programme
where each employee sits through the contents of the
disc at a time that is more suitable to them. As a
Company that works 24/7 we have times during the night
and at weekends when employees may be freed from their
jobs for a period and this is the perfect tool to
make the best use of this time. If anyone is in a
similar position to me, where other commitments make
it difficult for you to plan and perform training,
I recommend that you buy a copy."
David Newton - Managing Director,
British Falcon Plastics
"Your publication is a perfect compliment
to the H & S and Hygiene training given to staff.
What I most liked about it was the very simplistic
way in which the message is got over. Please keep
us in touch with any future relevant publications."
Chris Gammage - Gelpack Excelsior Ltd
"Very impressed and look forward to seeing your
fully developed food safety training package for the
packaging sector, talking to colleagues it is hard
to find booklets or a package for food safety training
for our sector we usually have to tailor actual food
training packages - and then get confused looks from
our operators who make plastic food bags when it talks
about raw and cooked foods! Under the food packaging
standards such as the RSPH (Royal Society for the
Promotion of Health) and the new BRC/IoP (British
Retail Consortium / Institute of Packaging) training
is required and your products would be well received
by all striving for or in possession of the standards."
Steve Potter - Encase Ltd
"We have now trained 150+ people in our organisation
for product safety and hygiene. The booklets are given
to each individual at the end of a 1 hour long training
session.The content of the booklet reflects the seriousness
of good hygiene practises in packaging whilst at the
same time adding a bit of fun whilst learning and
that is important. Also, there are some good examples
of personal hygiene illustrated by cartoons that help
drive the message home. The feedback that I have had
is that the booklet has been very well received and
some people have said they can identify some of the
cartoon characters as being their workmates ! We now
have 2 plants who are certificated to the BRC/IoP
Technical standard and this booklet has made a positive
contribution to the culture change necessary to meet
those requirements. Keep up the good work!"
Julie Crowe - Business Process
Engineer, Huhtamaki (Lurgan) Ltd.
"Feedback is positive with the leaflets found
to be informative and clearly demonstrate reasons
for good hygiene practices. The training has been
delivered to a small number of new employees on a
one-to-one basis, with plans to roll-out training
to all existing employees during 2004."
Hayley Walker - Quality Administrator,
DS Smith Speciality Packaging
"We were impressed with the ease of the website
ordering, The prompt delivery and your communication
throughout the process which kept us informed of the
status of our order. A fast effective ordering system
which we will be happy to use again in the future."
Laura Nera - Paper Tech Europe
It was a relief to finally find an information booklet
on hygiene aimed solely at the packaging industry.
It will help us greatly in our quest for The BRC/IoP
Accreditation for packaging suppliers."
Anon. Happy Customer
"We used the booklet as a reminder for existing
employees and are using it for new employees induction.
We found the booklet to be a very good way of getting
the message across, of the importance of hygiene standards.
Its simple and to the point with use of funny graphics
which no doubt holds employees attention."
For free samples and online demonstrations
of our Hygiene Training Booklets, CD-ROM's and Posters:
Our New Online Store |
Safety Standards Directory
The Food Safety Standards Directory is an exclusive online
register of companies that have achieved certification to
a recognized food safety standard. The directory also includes
Certification Bodies that are authorized to carry out third
party audits against the major global food safety standards.
In addition the directory includes details of Food Safety
Consultants offering assistance to organizations when implementing
and maintaining food safety management systems: Food
Safety Standards Directory |
ISO 22000:2005
ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems –
Requirements for any organization in the food chain
was published on 01 September 2005. For an overview and
the latest news visit the following page: ISO
22000:2005 |
Safety Discussion Forums
Register for free membership on our discussion forums and
keep up to date with the latest thinking on food packaging
safety and business improvement issues. A friendly place
for you to network and share best practice with your peers:
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Discussion Forums. |
The Buyer’s Guide is a comprehensive online directory
for suppliers of business training and consultancy, management
systems training and consultancy, business software, certification,
pest control and much more: Find
a Supplier. |
Improvement & Quality Management
Improvement Tools
Top up your toolbox with essential quality problem solving
tools and increase the effectiveness of your improvement
projects. Download free ‘how to’ guides on control
charts, pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams, flow charts,
brainstorming, affinity diagrams, histograms and much more:
Quality Improvement Tools. |
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Control Chart,
FMEA, Force
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Management, QFD,
Excellence, The Five
S's, Hoshin
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